Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lately, it seems like I am not able to say the right things anymore.
I've ended up saying the wrong words and only cause people more pain than they already are in. I don't know what they want to hear so everything just comes out totally wrong and I can't take back those words. I wish I could but in reality, I can't. Sadly, it's me I blame and no one else. I don't know what to say to make  people happy anymore because sometimes it feels like I have to lie to them & I don't like lying so I am blunt about what I say now;; but as soon as I say what's on my mind, I regret and want to take those words back because I never thought about the aftermath of my ignorance.


Amy said...

To tell yu the truth Cindy, when yu say whats on your mind, thats the best thing yu can do.
Its not yur fault that tha person takes it up their butt.
Its ok, yu just say whats on your mind

katelyn schaich. said...


awwhhhh what happened?