because it's contagious!(:
3 days into break && I'm already loving it. I love this holiday season so much because everyone is just so MERRY and everyone I meet is just full Usually the idea of "wrapping gifts" for people wouldn't appeal to many people as "FUN" but it just was today because of everyone's holiday spirit. My friend and I greeted each person entering the store with a chipper and peppy "GOOD MORNING!" and that brought a smile to most of their faces while they returned our greeting. When someone left, we made sure they left with a smile by wishing them "Happy Holidays" and one time, this lady came up to us and dropped in a pretty nifty amount into our donations can because she said our peppiness "made her day." I don't know why but hearing that made my day as well, knowing that my best friend and I had somewhat brought the holiday cheerfulness to so many people. Some people even tried to beat us to the punch by saying "happy holidays" before we even had a chance to and that was just hilarious because I love it when people go along with us. It made me happy to know that what I was doing was going to help out a library [[all our tips/donations go towards the library]] but what made me happiest was seeing a frown turn into a smile in just a matter of seconds because smiles are contagious.
countdown: 3 days to go