Saturday, December 6, 2008

tan oak tan oak... oooh bby let your zylem flow

5 days. 4 nights. 12 students. 16 cabin leaders. Put those all together and what do you get? A BAJILLION+ memories! The last week at camp has definitely deserved to be named the "highlight of my year". Everything was amazing, everything was special. I miss everything about that camp, including the things I never thought I'd miss.
I miss:
- the cabin leaders [[raindrop, jaguar paw, le tigre, bolt, rainbow bright, falling star, mushroom, rattlesnake, shark, pretty princess, cheetah girl, wolfman, wild abu, wild turkey, rivers]]
- the kiddies [[my san jose sharks]]
- the hot chocolate [[even though I didn't like it very much at first]]
= the redwood trees
- the smell of fresh air
- the chilly chilly mornings
- the cabin [[NUMBER 10]]
- the variety of meals [[yum yum]]
= the crazy hiking
- the cold and then suddenly hot showers
- the random kids who come up and say hi to me
- the dinner table I share with the kids
- the evening activity [[camp campbell dance!]]
- the fact that everyone called me "snowflake"
- the fact that kids were making up rumors about me and some guys
- the fact that we're not there for RELATIONSHIPS [[haha]]
- the fact that some boys called themselves my "husbands" [[LOLOLOL]]
- the fact that everyone was trying to guess my name [[i was called tess, tessa, jessica, yellow snowflake, pink snowflake, etc.]]
- the jokes
- the skits
- the campfire
- the songs
- the laughs
- the MEMORIES that piled up in just 5 days!

basically, I miss EVERYTHING about Camp Campbell and I would totally come back if I have the chance [[SPRING BREAK right guys?]]

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