Every once in a while, I think everyone needs a day off. Since the stress starts building up more and more everyday, it's healthy to just relax for a day with a friend(s) and just get everything off your mind. For me, it's basically not even a day, an amount as limited as an hour would do me good. I remember 060208 of freshman year. That day was my day to relax with my best friend. It was a school day and it was near the end of the school year so we decided to just hang out that day after school to relax and chill with each other. That day will forever be remembered by me. We didn't do anything too special of crazy, but we just basically threw everything bad away for that limited hour or two and had fun. We jumped fences, rolled down hills, took pictures, and basically talked about everything that needed catching up on. It was just so peaceful. I still remember that on that day, the weather was perfect. For me: " A few hours free of stress is like a dose of medicine on a sick day." I love how that day stayed in my mind for the longest time. My friend and I still remember that day pretty darn well and I just decided to blog about that day because today is exactly four months since then. I'm going to change the subject a little bit here. I just wanted to mention that I love having a best friend who will just listen to me no matter what I'm going through. She listens to me on good days, bad days, happy days, and sad days. She puts up with me through everything. How? I really don't know myself. But I just wanted to write this blog to show her that I appreciate having a friend like her so much. She definitely made my high school life a lot better and my days at school a lot more enjoyable. We have so many memories together and yet, there's more to come. She taught me the definition of "fun" and, this might sound cliche, but it's true, Katelyn Schaich, you have definitely changed me for the better. (:
iLOVEyou hun.
Kay so, I'm at my mom's work right now. I just got five shots.
a tetnus shot
a menigitus(?) shot
chicken pox booster(because I haven't had chicken pox)
HPV shot
and a T.B. shot.
they hurtt sooo badd, but reading you blog just totally made my day. iloveyoutoogirlie. Oh, and I made you another bracelet. :) hahahahah. After I got the first four shots, they gave me a tinkerbell sticker, and I was like OHHH I can give this to my best friend!!!!!! and then they told me to be quiet, cause I still had one shot left. :/ hahahahhahaahahaha
That was long :/
This blog was really long but all of them are really deep.i love all of your blogs.
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