Tuesday, October 7, 2008

dont you just hate it

When parents don't respect your privacy? I don't know if many people share this problem, but in my family, my parents are way OVERLY overprotective. Like, you have no idea. I'll be online doing my homework and my dad will be right behind me watching my every move. It gets so bad that we get into arguments about this stuff all the time. My parents don't believe me when I'm online doing my homework at 11 p.m. at night. Obviously I'll be staying up late because I have tae kwon do 4 days a week usually from 6 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. I usually get home around 8 p.m. each night and I'm taking accelerated classes this year so obviously I'd stay up later than I did freshman year. During my freshman year, I barely had any homework and my parents kind of assumed that I'd have that same amount of homework the second year around. It gets so out-of-control sometimes and my parents and I get into so many arguments nowadays, since the day I turned thirteen to be exact. They always assume that since I entered my teen years that I'd be some wild crazy child that doesn't care about school. If you knew me today, you would know that I am the FURTHEST thing from that. To sum it all up, I guess what I'm trying to say is,  I wish that they would just put a little bit of trust into me and believe me once in a while. 


Khoiboyy said...

YEAH THAT HAPPENS TO ME TOO! try to make them move onto Brian ;]

Matt Fuecos said...

I totally understand what you go through. It's the exact same thing with me, except I don't even have a room so no matter what I do I'm always being watched. I have no privacy what-so-ever and it sucks(big time!). But I think every parent is getting like this cause they watch the news and they automatically think that whatever the say on the news will happen to their kids. I argue almost everyday with my mom because she will never believe what I say so, nice post :]