Tuesday, September 16, 2008

first post(:

Hi. My name is Cindy.  I am a sophomore this year at Gunderson High School and I'm currently typing my first blog. I don't do any sports at school but many know that I do tae kwon do outside of school four to five days a week. I also attend Chinese school at Leland every Saturday and I am a teacher's assistant at Vietnamese school, held here at Gunderson every Sunday. I basically have school 7 days a week but of course, I still have a life. I'm in fifth period right now, accelerated English with Mr. Thompson. I have to mention that I have  the BESTEST friends in the world who always make my day and keep me entertained throughout the hours, days, weeks, months, and years at Gunderson. I always look forward to coming to school each and every day for them.(:


katelyn schaich. said...

Amazing post Cindy!


School 7 days a week, you are sure amazing.


Navjot Sandhu said...

I love you post CINDY! I like Gunderson too