Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"how to get your mind off of depressing things"

let's just say that...the guy that I happened to write those 3000 words about in my "first love" blog completely disappointed me the other night in the worst way possible. He lost my trust and my friendship both in one night and completely changed my perspective of him. He is definitely not someone worth waiting for anymore, not to mention someone worth talking to either, to say the least. So yeah, going on from there, I spent all of yesterday in Napa, getting my mind off of it but whenever I am left alone, with lots of time to spare, that depressing memory comes to mind. So what's the best remedy for this kind of problem? Well, for me, it's just to simply see a friend. It just has to be a friend who I can carry on a conversation with and that's why I went to the mall and just chilled with one of my best guy friends today. We talked about non serious matters and just basically talked about everything. I laughed so much today and seriously, laughter is the best medicine for a bad day. I just love to have somebody there who will talk about the stupidest things [[like pandas, for example]] with me just to get my mind off of the not-so-happy things in my life. I couldn't be more grateful to all my friends in my life, but specifically "A" today, who lent me his attention for the day. 


1 comment:

DanielleTravers said...

Aww that sucks! :( Mmm I think another thing you might want to try is find whatever you love to do. For me, it's to draw aww you love drawing too! :) You know how you get into a whole other realm.. where like nothing even matters?? Well. I know I get like that when I draw i'm sure you do too :) Anytime that I would sit there and cry about something, I would learn to pull out my sketch book or paper ( it seems a little weird but it helps ) and just start drawing or writing. It took my mind off of the situation and blew all of the gutts on paper. Kinda make sence?? Haha I don't know it's hard to explain but try it out!