Saturday, February 28, 2009

JB "fanatics"

okay, so you all probably already saw the blog that Katelyn posted up about the 
Jonas Brothers 3D experience 
movie we went to see today but now you have to hear my side of the story(:
[[oh yeah, i recommend you all go see it]]
 it was simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
 i officially LOVE 3D movies [the glasses were a bonus]
 they were so flipping awesome!<3
 everything was perfect
[katelyn and i kept waiting for them to make a mistake onstage, didn't happen] :P
katelyn&my sister lost their voice so i was the official "scream person" 
[but I didn't scream until the end]
we ARE fanatics!
 it was so worth the countdown
[started at 56 days]
 our "home-made" t-shirts were the BOMB 
[people all over the mall were staring at us nonstop]
 i LOVE seeing the JoBros on the BIG SCREEN
this wouldn't have been the same without katelyn<3

Thursday, February 26, 2009

2nd chances

Do you tend to hand out second chances to people easily? Do you believe that every single person in this world deserves a second chance at everything they do? Or does it depend on the situation? For me, I pretty much give second chances to anyone and everyone who I believe deserves a second chance. It kinda sorta depends on the first situation though, basically the reason why they lost their first chance. If it sounds reasonable, then I would usually give everyone a second chance. I believe that giving everyone a second chance is better than holding a grudge and never giving them a chance at all. It's better to forgive and move on with life rather than ignoring and not talking to each other. There really is no harm done when you give someone a second chance. There was a reason why the first chance didn't work but it just tells you that the second time around, you should just pay more attention to your surroundings and try not to upset the person to make things work. 

I want

way too many things. I think that I always want something. I never stop asking for things. I never stop craving and wanting something so I think I am going to start limiting myself to wanting only things I need. I need to stop thinking of only myself and worry about other things too. I can't just always want and NOT go for what I want. I can't just sit here and ask for something and expect to get it. 
I intend on fighting for things I want from now on. I want to be happy so I'm going to try to stop letting things get to my head. I want to have a good future so I will work my butt off to go to a good college/university. I want so many things and I will most definitely fight for what I want from now on.

do i have the right

to be happy when my happiness is causing another person's pain? 
Do I have the right to run off and create my own happiness when that happiness USED to be someone else's?
Do I have the right to smile and laugh while that person is off crying?
Do I have the right to be happy again?

I don't know. I hate being selfish and only care about my own feelings.
I'd rather the other person be happy too, but I know that it's not going to happen overnight.

Should I wait? Should I go? 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

im cold(:

the rain make me gloomy.

seriously. I usually love the rain and all the non-stop pouring rain for DAYS thing is getting really old and tiring. Dark gloomy days make me gloomy and moody along with it. I wish for sunshine. Today looks like things are starting to clear up but now I wish it was warmer. I am the worst in cold weather. Everything seems to bother me and I hate shivering non-stop even though I'm in layers and layers of clothes. People tend to stare at me weirdly and and tell me that its: "NOT THAT COLD" but it's like: "Are you kidding me? No, you're right. I'm not cold at all, I just like shivering like an idiot."

no DUH I'm cold.

i wanna find a way

to just escape all the pressure.
I just simply want to find a way to disappear for a day and relax. I know I always make it sound like I'm constantly under pressure but like I think it's because of my constant act of procrastination. I want to get rid of this bad habit. It won't get me anywhere. I tend to put a lot of things aside until it's time for me to flip out and put myself under lots of pressure. If it weren't for my procrastination habit, I would like to think that I would not lack sleep, act moody, and that my paperwork and homework that are turned in would be my best work.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


until we have to make that decision that could forever change our lives. I went on a college tour today of 2 completely different universities. They were not only different in appearance wise, but also in atmosphere, courses offered, and transportation wise. The two universities I got a chance to learn more about today were the prestigious Stanford University and the well known California State University of the East Bay. I literally fell in LOVE with Stanford today. Don't get me wrong or anything, CSUEB is not a college I would not be interested in, but it's more like I'd like to set myself a really big goal and hopefully one day reach that goal. Today made me realize that making it into a prestigious university such as Stanford would require a BIG deal of commitment and lots and lots of hard work. Only 1 out of 10 applicants are chosen to attend this school so I only have a 10% chance of getting into this place, IF I manage to keep my current grades for the next TWO years.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

this valentines day

is going to be lame.
the end.
Plans got changed so I'm no longer going anywhere fun, only my dad will be home while my mom has work, all of my friends probably have plans with their own families/sweethearts. This is probably the second year in a row like this now so I should be used to it?/: I would if I could but for some reason, it does get lonely && I am terribly afraid of being alone. Oh well, I guess I'll HAVE to find something to do? If not, chill at home and watch TV or something.

indecisiveness part2

I finally realized who I got my "indecisiveness problem" from. At first, I thought that maybe I got it from my mom or my dad alone but I've come to realize that they're both like that, so I got it baddd time. We're all like bipolar with our choices, no joke. One day, my parents will think about taking a road trip with the family and the next, they change their mind and decide to stay home instead. In a way, they get my hopes up and then let them come crashing back down. I really wish that they/we/I can just make one decision and stick to it.

Monday, February 9, 2009


i could read people's minds. that has always been the number one super power i've always wish i had. if i had that special ability, i would know what you are thinking, what you think of the world, what you think of your parents, your friends, your teachers, and what you think of me. everything wouldn't be so confusing and i wouldn't be sitting here lost in thought. i would know what everyone really thinks of each other and then from that, i would be able to tell who are my true friends are and who are the ones going around faking their kindness. i wouldn't be so easily used or hurt and i would know who to never mess with on their bad day. i would know people's deepest wish and i would try and help that wish come true [[or at least i would do my best to make that happen]]. i would never use that power for bad, only for good. i would never want to invade a person's privacy if they didn't want me to. i would know what to stray away from and what was not good for me to know. 
if only we could have superpowers right?


Thursday, February 5, 2009

color my world?

Randomly during second period today, while I was listening to a lecture, a random thought popped into my head. I imagined a beautiful scene that I would love to put into a picture one day. 

Imagine a black and white world. Everything and everyone around you is in black and white. 
 The star of the picture is a young teenage girl. She's searching for something because she's staring off ahead in front of her. All you could see is the back of body. Surrounding her are crowds and crowds of boys. Left, right, in front, everywhere basically were boys. Every single boy is black and white, not really standing out in the picture, except for one. Right in the center of the crowd, you see this single boy in full color. 
That is the boy of her dreams.

Wouldn't the world be so much easier like this? Wouldn't it be so much easier to just see ONE special person in your life in color&&that person just happens to be your soulmate? Searching for love would definitely be a lot easier than how it is now, where everyone sees everyone else in color and mistakes it all as love.
random thought, i know.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

close your eyes

&& make a wish. 
whether it's on a star, on a dandelion, or at 11:11, I believe that wishes DO come true. I can't help but still believe in that "fairy tale" fantasy world where dreams and wishes come true if you prove that you want it bad enough. Even if the wish seems impossible && impractical, I still make that wish because I have faith. I have faith that one day, my wishes&&dreams will come true and that day, I can truly be happy. For now, I guess I should just be happy with what I got and not what I don't have YET. Keyword: YET. I would like to believe that ONE day, I will have everything I want and be completely satisfied. I don't care how long I have to wait, a year, a decade, etc., as long as I'm living, I'll be waiting for my MAIN wish to come true...
so why not just go outside tonight and find a single star&&



is a HORRIBLE habit. 
lying to get yourself out of trouble. 
lying to get girls/boys. lying about your age. 
lying to keep your reputation up. lying to make yourself seem cool. 
lying to impress others. lying to hide from being yourself. 
why lie when telling the truth is another option? the BETTER option. why lie in the first place to get yourself into a big messy nest of lies? lie and lie and lie and lie, but in the end, it will do you no good. the first lie will lead to the second and third and fourth and so on,..
it won't get you anywhere and it may lead to losing loved ones because they'll their trust in's not worth it. 
it's never worth it.

childhood memories.

matching initials,
matching Minnie Mouse t-shirts,
matching blue jeans,
matching Barnie shoes,
matching "mushroom" haircuts,
looking at these two, you would assume they were "twins" but
who knew these two little girls who looked so alike would grow up to be so different?
one loves to act while one sucks at it,
one loves to draw pictures while one loves to write "novels",
one likes taking pictures while the other enjoys "ruining" it,
one likes to stand out with her clothing while one fits in with the crowd,
one prefers indoors while one prefers out,
one cares about her looks way too much and the other puts no effort to it {jk)
although these two little girls used to look so alike, they grew up to become as different as night and day. Fortunately, they remain the best of friends for the last 15 years with an inseparable, unbreakable bond of sisterhood.
this is the life of my sister && i.